Implementing custom layers
basically share the same interface with Lux.jl
. You may want to take a look at its doc first. Based on that, NeuralGraphPDE
provides two abstract types, AbstractGNNLayer
and AbstractGNNContainerLayer
, they are subtypes of AbstractExplicitLayer
and AbstractExplicitContainerLayer
, respectively. You should subtype your custom layers to them.
You can define a custom layer with the following steps:
Step 1. Define your type of the layer and add initialgraph
as a field.
struct MyGNNLayer <: AbstractGNNLayer
Step 2. Define initialparameters
as in Lux
. The default initialstates
returns (graph = GNNGraph(...))
, so this is optional. If you want to put more things in st
then you need to overload initialstates
as well.
function initialstates(rng::AbstractRNG, l::AbstractGNNLayer)
return (graph=l.initialgraph(), otherstates)
In this case, it is recommended to also overload statelength
, it should be like
statelength(l::AbstractGNNLayer) = 1 + length(otherstates) # 1 for the graph
Step 3. Define the constructor(s) that has the keyword argument initialgraph=initialgraph
function MyGNNLayer(...; initialgraph=initialgraph)
initalgraph = wrapgraph(initialgraph) # always wrap initialgraph so the input can be a graph or a function
Step 4. Define the forward pass. Keep in mind that the graph is stored in st
. It is recommended to store nontrainable node features in the graph.
function (l::MyGNNLayer)(x,ps,st)
g = st.graph
s = g.ndata # nontrainable node features, if there is any
function message(xi, xj, e)
return m
xs = merge(x, s) # assuming x is a named tuple
return propagte(message, g, l.aggr, xi = xs, xj = xs), st
You should only subtype your layer to AbstractGNNContainerLayer
- you need to write a custom message function, and
- the layer contains other layers.
For the most part it will look identical to defining AbstractGNNLayer
. You just need to treat the message function more carefully.
function message(xi, xj, e)
m, st.nn = nn(..., st.nn)
st = merge(st, (nn = st_nn,))
return m
Note that if you have only one neural layer insider a AbstractGNNContainerLayer
, then the parameters will be reduced but not the states.
julia> l = ExplicitEdgeConv(nn; initialgraph=g)
julia> rng = Random.default_rng()
julia> ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, l)
julia> ps
(weight = Float32[0.22180015 -0.09448394 … -0.41880473 -0.49083555; -0.23709725 0.05150031 … 0.48641983 0.14893274; … ; 0.42824164 0.5589718 … -0.5763395 0.18395355; 0.25994122 0.22801241 … 0.59201854 0.3832495], bias = Float32[0.0; 0.0; … ; 0.0; 0.0;;])
julia> st
(ϕ = NamedTuple(), graph = GNNGraph(3, 4))