Implementing custom layers

NeuralGraphPDE basically share the same interface with Lux.jl. You may want to take a look at its doc first. Based on that, NeuralGraphPDE provides two abstract types, AbstractGNNLayer and AbstractGNNContainerLayer, they are subtypes of AbstractExplicitLayer and AbstractExplicitContainerLayer, respectively. You should subtype your custom layers to them.


You can define a custom layer with the following steps:

Step 1. Define your type of the layer and add initialgraph as a field.

struct MyGNNLayer <: AbstractGNNLayer

Step 2. Define initialparameters as in Lux. The default initialstates returns (graph = GNNGraph(...)), so this is optional. If you want to put more things in st then you need to overload initialstates as well.

function initialstates(rng::AbstractRNG, l::AbstractGNNLayer)
    return (graph=l.initialgraph(), otherstates)

In this case, it is recommended to also overload statelength, it should be like

statelength(l::AbstractGNNLayer) = 1 + length(otherstates) # 1 for the graph

Step 3. Define the constructor(s) that has the keyword argument initialgraph=initialgraph.

function MyGNNLayer(...; initialgraph=initialgraph)
  initalgraph = wrapgraph(initialgraph) # always wrap initialgraph so the input can be a graph or a function

Step 4. Define the forward pass. Keep in mind that the graph is stored in st. It is recommended to store nontrainable node features in the graph.

function (l::MyGNNLayer)(x,ps,st)
    g = st.graph
    s = g.ndata # nontrainable node features, if there is any
    function message(xi, xj, e)
        return m
    xs = merge(x, s) # assuming x is a named tuple
    return propagte(message, g, l.aggr, xi = xs, xj = xs), st


You should only subtype your layer to AbstractGNNContainerLayer when

  1. you need to write a custom message function, and
  2. the layer contains other layers.

For the most part it will look identical to defining AbstractGNNLayer. You just need to treat the message function more carefully.

function message(xi, xj, e)
        m, st.nn = nn(..., st.nn)
        st = merge(st, (nn = st_nn,))
        return m

Note that if you have only one neural layer insider a AbstractGNNContainerLayer, then the parameters will be reduced but not the states.

julia> l = ExplicitEdgeConv(nn; initialgraph=g)

julia> rng = Random.default_rng()

julia> ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, l)

julia> ps
(weight = Float32[0.22180015 -0.09448394 … -0.41880473 -0.49083555; -0.23709725 0.05150031 … 0.48641983 0.14893274; … ; 0.42824164 0.5589718 … -0.5763395 0.18395355; 0.25994122 0.22801241 … 0.59201854 0.3832495], bias = Float32[0.0; 0.0; … ; 0.0; 0.0;;])

julia> st
(ϕ = NamedTuple(), graph = GNNGraph(3, 4))