
Documentation for NeuralGraphPDE.


  • Layers and graphs are coupled and decoupled at the same time: You can bind a graph to a layer at initialization, but the graph is stored in st, not in the layer. They are decoupled in the sense that you can easily update or change the graph by changing st:
using NeuralGraphPDE, Random, Lux
g = rand_graph(5, 4; bidirected=false)
x = randn(3, g.num_nodes)

# create layer
l = GCNConv(3 => 5; initialgraph=g)

# setup layer
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, 0)

ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, l)

# forward pass
y, st = l(x, ps, st)    # you don't need to feed a graph explicitly

#change the graph
new_g = rand_graph(5, 7; bidirected=false)
st = updategraph(st, new_g)

y, st = l(x, ps, st)
([-1.2892177734821657 -1.2709222282216477 … -0.30403150986816907 -0.051113133960325796; -0.006378785979397673 -0.46649378478968345 … 0.3184408274996586 -0.6528909625035688; … ; -0.7239448136837706 -0.8694849206614506 … 0.09199019941242034 -0.7866858541325896; -1.114598683308912 -0.8549547591966108 … -0.29924792936262 -0.16143250287349156], (graph = GNNGraph(5, 7),))
  • You can omit the keyword argument initalgraph at initialization, and then call updategraph on st to put the graph in it. All gnn layers can work smoothly with other layers defined by Lux.
g = rand_graph(5, 4; bidirected=false)
x = randn(3, g.num_nodes)

model = Chain(Dense(3 => 5), GCNConv(5 => 5), GCNConv(5 => 3))  # you don't need to use `g` for initialization
# setup layer
rng = Random.default_rng()
Random.seed!(rng, 0)

ps, st = Lux.setup(rng, model) # the default graph is empty
st = updategraph(st, g) # put the graph in st

# forward pass
y, st = model(x, ps, st)
([1.8060158815335092 -1.6607651913254147 … 2.390543114285151 0.9390967263933919; 1.2397189080259086 -0.23349064693339155 … 1.4497739233496794 0.5905613584971816; 0.9476761631383458 0.12809287458085628 … 1.0537667430866087 0.45529803001843594], (layer_1 = NamedTuple(), layer_2 = (graph = GNNGraph(5, 4),), layer_3 = (graph = GNNGraph(5, 4),)))
  • An unified interface for graph level tasks. As pointed out here, GNNs are difficult to work well with other neural networks when the input graph is changing. This will not be an issue here. You have an unified interface y, st = model(x, ps, st). There are several benefits to doing so:

    1. Each layer can take in different graphs.
    2. You can modify the graph inside a layer and return it.
    3. Multigraphs. A layer can take in any number of graphs in st.
  • Trainable node embeddings and nontrainable features are separately stored in x and st.graph.


  1. We assume all graphs have the same structure.
  2. The input must be a matrix or a named tuple of matrices.